Thursday, July 3, 2014



Despised by his human counterparts

                 And with no hope of aid from heaven

     He was alone.

                                                  Completely and totally alone


  He tread the fierceness of the winepress ALONE!


God blinked his eyes for the first time since creation and darkness was upon the face of the earth for the space of three hours.

The guttural groans from the heavenly host caused the earth itself to quake and tremble


God held at bay his innumerable host of angels; ordering each to turn their face away from their King of Glory and look not upon the event that was occurring upon the earth below.


For how could they not attempt to rescue him, by whom and for whom they were created.

He who, while on earth, was in their charge?


Only by God the Father’s restraint did they not rip the canopy of heaven from the earth and lay all humanity to the dust from which they were made.


From His cross, Jesus Christ looked down on the mob below and found only contempt looking at back at Him. He gazed upward up for compassion, only to find heaven’s back turned on Him


Alone, He was so alone.


No longer touching the earth: not yet entered into heaven.


He was painfully alone.


He writhed in indescribable pain, he groaned in His spirit


Then He died; like all men before Him, He died!


Satan and all his angels of darkness cheered as His last breath was expelled from his torn body. 


“He is dead, He can no longer hold the title of “the Prince of Life” for now he lies dead”, they shouted. “Death” has claimed him to the grave from which there is no escape.


Jesus was unbearably alone


He was carried to a borrowed tomb and was laid on a bed of stone

As the boulder was rolled into place and darkness filled the small cavity that Joseph carved into the hillside

He was left there alone


For three days he lay motionless in this unforgiving bed. Death had seized His humanity and had pulled the life giving breath from His chest.


He was alone. There was no doubt that He was alone


Then, as light had barely begun to overtake the darkness, destroying its nightly reign; in that nanosecond between the time when night comes to its end and the new day begins, the great Savior was awakened by and of his own bidding. The dead became the living by His own power.


Now he can doubtless say: I AM He the liveth and was dead, and behold, I AM alive forevermore.

                                                     Yes, He did all this alone, all alone