Wednesday, April 30, 2014



 We must never be deceived into believing the hedonistic doctrine that God exists only for our pleasure and happiness. No! Humanity was spoken into existence for one reason, and that is to glorify Him, through our worship of Him.


Of all God’s creation, man is the only creature that harbors within his breast a “compulsion” to worship, and we can rest assured that all mankind will worship something. We can see this exhibited in all the religions of the world; even in the pagan and heathen oblations and sacrifices. Even though they do not know or understand the God of the Bible, they still “feel” the need to worship, and this is plainly visible in the many different ways that have been invented over the centuries of time. Even the atheist and agnostic harbor this same desire. Each can become very defensive when confronted as to their belief, or might I say non-belief systems; one has his deep-rooted conviction in the non-existence of a higher power; the other in his argumentative confusion as to whether or not a higher power even exists.


Sadly, the Christian, who of all people should fully understand that Christ is to be the object of their worship, still bow before numerous idols; whether it is the idols that have been created in the mind; up to and including the church they attend or their belief systems and traditions. How innumerable are those who worship the god that has been designed within their own minds, rather than the God of the Bible.


Is it not astonishing, the lengths to which man will go to defend "his" god?  However, the true God of the Bible needs no one to defend Him, for he is omnipotent. He needs no one to plead His case, for He is omniscient. He does not need anyone to announce His presence, for He is omnipresent.  He does not call or send modern day prophets who try to prophecy new and better ways of worship. No one can circumvent His “word”. God has articulated very well all those things he desires for us to know in the Bible that He has divinely provided for us; we need only believe it.


The post-modernist believes that God’s word is only a suggestion for the Christian; that each individual is free to interpret scripture to meet his/her standard of living or belief. They believe that nothing is written in stone; that all scripture is relative.


Multitudes of Christians in this modern day are completely satisfied with their own forms of worship and as long as they remain satisfied, they will never seek out the true way, which is "The Way", Jesus Christ. Ignorance is a blissful state in which they are completely comfortable. Their worlds are but tiny, little caves, out of which they dare not venture for fear that the great beast called the “TRUTH” will gain control of their mind and their will. So, they remain in their grottos, feeling secure in the darkness that surrounds them. They harbor no desire to know what might lie in the light outside this minute world, in which they dwell, for after all; as long as things remain unseen and unheard and are not believed as factual, they are nonexistent…are they not?


 Sam Everett

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